Thursday, April 7, 2011

THE EIGHTH DAY (long poem) by Sofija Grandakovska

After-words by Academician Katica Kulavkova, Prof. Dr. in: Sofija Grandakovska, The Eighth Day (2005)


The Eighth Day, a poem by Sofija Grandakovska, establis-hes for us the holiness of the word on the sanctity of light. Perceived and understood as light, the holiness is a subject of irrational yearning for man.

That yearning is, at the same time, a dream, a wish, and a thought. A dream which exists only to be able to dream all the time. A wish that is self-fulfilling, for it desires so-mething abstract enough not to be possessed, but also concrete enough to be sensed and to feed the visions and the premonitions. A thought that possesses the ability of comprehension because of its faith and its love. The pin-ing for the irrational that is transformed by its great force into something new: always a yearning plus something else. It is there in that transreal that the poetic forms of The Eighth Day by Sofija Grandakovska are conceived, moving the realm of the imaginary, speculative and meta-physical - into the eighth day. Outside the established se-ven-day cycle, that day opposes the established stereo-type of six plus one day in which the world was created; it is a premonition of a rebellion, a personal sin, poetic wonders, the search of a way out of the chains of traditi-on, collective beliefs and self-deceptions. It is a day for poetry, for the individual, a day for one's self, a day for contemplation and yearning. The eighth day is a matrix of wisdom, the eighth day is the matrix of wisdom.

The poem The Eighth Day by Sofija Grandakovska is an inquiry about prayer - should we pray, to whom we pray, why prayer, and do we have to? So much road covered to unearth the answers about prayer cannot but map a quest, a peculiar prayer experience. The poem is a form of prayer. The poem is, indeed, a prayer. The eighth day is a day for rare, but nonetheless possible recognitions of sanctity. The Eighth Day is a day to subjugate ourselves to silence. The Eighth day is a day of revelation of the poetic power of the word, about the power of the word as it is, about the word enlightened by the holiness of the Almighty. The Eighth Day by Sofija Grandakovska is a hymn to the sacral and a sacralization of the word. The word that leads to the Genesis, to the first, the Eighth, the infinite. The Eighth Day by Sofija Grandakovska is a projection of the symbolism of the infinity, of the laid down Eighth that is the symbol of the infinity, as seen in the mirror of poetry. The Word is infinite, the word is a yearning for infinite. This is where the cycle of temptation starts, and this is where it goes on forever.

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